Friday, February 22, 2008

“The Millionaire Next Door” applies to Nonprofits too

In their book “The Millionaire Next Door” authors Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, systematically illustrate the point that the secret to becoming a millionaire has nothing to do with your inheritance, your nationality, or even the job that you have, it is a function of saving more than you spend. They provide example after example and study after study back up their point. This is another great application for nonprofits to apply in financial management. Spend less than you earn. Save money.

Nonprofits argue—we can’t do that. The needs are too great.

Let’s look at this from another angle. When a nonprofit has cash flow problems and is always running short on funds, how much time is spent trying to figure out which bills to pay first, calling creditors, paying late fees, etc. That is time that could be better spent meeting those needs. Instead it is wasted time and costly decisions are sometimes made in haste. And it is all because the nonprofit did not live within its means. Think what you could do with more money. Want to have more money in the future? Manage it well in the present.

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