Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Dear Donor (Part 3 in the “holding the hammer” series)

At a client’s office I saw thank you notes like this one.

Dear ……

My son loves the after school program at the Boys and Girls Club. His grades have improved because of the homework help. He has fun with the staff and his friends and has learned new games. Because he gets his homework done at the after school program, we have more quality time as a family in the evening. My son is too young to be home alone after school and we could not afford after school care that other organizations offer. I don’t know what we would have done without this program. Thank you so much.

Letters like this are why your donor gives to your organization. Your donor wants to know they are impacting lives. This letter tells them they are. Whenever you can, ask the people you serve for feedback or personal letters and pass them on.

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