Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Energized by the BoardSource Conference

I have just returned from the annual BoardSource Leadership Forum in Orlando, FL and I am re-energized to advance the cause of good governance. It wasn’t just the 80 degrees weather, the palm trees, the lake view, and the sound of the multiple waterfalls outside. (Although I suspect an environment like this on a daily basis could only continue to create energy) It was the reinforcement of what can be accomplished in any organization when they are established on a firm foundation.

We have worked with nonprofit organizations for over 25 years. Some organizations accomplish their goals very effectively. Their programs work, they are good at attracting donors and volunteers, and even in these difficult times, they are strategizing ways to continue on. Other organizations are not so effective. The key ingredient that is missing from the less effective nonprofits? Good governance.

The popular definition site, “Wikipedia” defines governance as: “consistent management, cohesive policies, processes and decision-rights for a given area of responsibility” We see it as the cornerstone for the foundation of a well run nonprofit.

BoardSource’s own site says it best “dedicated to advancing the public good by building exceptional nonprofit boards and inspiring board service” They accomplish this by focusing on Board governance and provide numerous resources and training on Board structure, meetings, legal issues, policies, financial management, etc.

My next couple of posts will focus on some of the great governance messages from the BoardSource conference.

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